
Fleas and ticks are a nuisance for many pet owners, which is why you should stay up to date on treatment and prevention. The veterinarians at Vintage Park Vet Clinic help Sacramento, CA, pet owners do this every day. Here, they share advice on how you can keep fleas and ticks from infesting your beloved pet.  

Veterinarian Offers 3 Ways to Prevent Fleas & Ticks

1. Check for Ticks Regularly

Some areas are more prone to tick infestation than others. If this is true where you live, perform regular tick checks on all your pets. If you do find one, it’s imperative you remove it immediately. Lyme disease can occur within 24 hours after the initial bite, so timely removal is of the utmost importance.

2. Make Sure Your Prevention Products Are Up to Date

Veterinarians also caution petveterinarian owners against using expired flea and tick products. Once the expiration date has come and gone, prevention products, like medications and flea collars, will be far less effective. Ask your veterinarian which products they recommend, and set a schedule for regular treatments.

3. Maintain Your Backyard

A well-kept yard prevents fleas and ticks from being an issue in your home. Because ticks thrive in high grasses, mow your lawn on a regular basis. Also, you can do away with flea breeding areas by removing leaves and refuse from your yard as soon as possible. That way, your pet has a safe and fun environment without an increased risk of encountering pests.

In Sacramento, local pet owners trust Vintage Park Vet Clinic, who believes your pet is truly one of the family. Find out more about the full range of services currently offered by visiting the veterinarians online. You can also schedule an appointment for a flea and tick check up by calling (916) 688-5486 today.  
