
Suffering an injury because of someone else’s negligence will likely leave you with many questions, such as how you’re going to get the funds necessary to pay for medical bills and lost wages. Fortunately, there’s a good chance you’re entitled to pursue compensation from the responsible party. However, before filing a personal injury claim, you’ll have to decide whether or not to hire an attorney. While it’s possible to go through the process on your own, it’s not typically recommended. This is especially true if certain circumstances apply to your case, such as the ones listed below.

3 Situations That Call for a Personal Injury Attorney

1. You’ve Suffered Severe Injuries

The more serious your injuries are, the more your claim is likely to be worth. As such, if you’ve suffered severe injuries that require extensive medical treatment and a lengthy recovery time, there is greater potential for you to reach the insurance policy limits carried by the at-fault party. If your claim is valued to be more than this, an attorney will help you maximize your compensation.

personal injury

2. The Other Party Disputes Liability

In some personal injury cases, it’s not always clear who caused the incident to occur or easy to establish that the injuries sustained were a direct result of another’s careless behavior. If the other party in your claim denies liability, you must put together a strong argument that proves otherwise. An attorney will know what kind of evidence and expert testimony you will need to verify your case.

3. You’re Being Pressured to Settle

It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to make an offer soon after the incident in an effort to settle for a low amount. If you feel you are being pressured to accept a settlement, speak with an attorney immediately. They will determine how reasonable the offer is and continue to handle negotiations on your behalf to ensure you receive a fair amount.


If you can relate to any of these scenarios, consult with a reputable attorney right away. This can make a significant difference in the outcome of your personal injury case. When it comes to finding an established legal team with a track record of success, residents in Toccoa, GA, turn to Smith & Tabor Attorneys At Law. They have years of experience helping their clients recover all the damages they deserve. Give them a call today at (706) 886-5141 to schedule a consultation, and visit them online for more information on their services.
