
When you need to get rid of clutter, renting a dumpster is often an incredibly convenient way to accomplish your task. Yet, that task can be made rather difficult if you choose the wrong dumpster size. Conversely, the right size can make the job much easier. But just why is the right size so important? Consider the following guide, which outlines everything you need to know regarding your dumpster rental.

Why Is the Right Dumpster Size Important?

dumpster sizeChoosing the right dumpster size is important because it ensures that you have enough space for all of your waste. If you rent a container that is much too small, you’ll wind up feeling frustrated and less motivated to continue working.

For example, you may choose a 4-yard bin, only to realize you needed a much larger container after you begin your job. If what you really needed was a 10-yard bin, it’ll be impossible to fit all your waste into the small size. Instead, you’ll be left wasting money, time, and energy renting an additional container. It’s often best to avoid the hassle altogether and ensure you choose the right size from the beginning.

How Can You Determine What Size You Need?

Smaller-sized dumpsters should be reserved for correspondingly small projects. Typically, 4-yard and 10-yard containers are best for spring cleaning or tossing out unwanted items throughout your home. If you have a much larger-scale project, though, you may want to invest in a 15- or 20-yard container. These options are best suited for construction projects like remodeling and reroofing.


When you need help choosing the right dumpster size for your project, reach out to the professionals at Bin There Dump That – Cincinnati South. Based in Cincinnati, OH, these experts offer the dumpster size you need, regardless of your project. Plus, their dumpster rental services are easy and convenient, as they can schedule deliveries and pickups whenever you need them. Give them a call today to learn more about their services at (513) 732-2467. You can also like them on Facebook for the latest updates.