
While it may not seem like a significant detail, the quality of your commercial glass can make a world of difference in the appeal of your store and the efficiency of the space. If you have outdated glass or a broken window, you may be losing customers and wasting utility money unknowingly. 

Below are three ways you stand to benefit from enlisting a glass replacement from the best commercial glass dealers in your city:

  • Invite Natural Light: Have you ever been in a retail store without natural light? The ambiance is dark and uninviting, discouraging shoppers from spending more than a few minutes inside. With a commercial glass replacement, you can get rid of old, tinted windows and increase the natural light in your space. This will create a much more welcoming and comfortable shopping experience, and you’ll notice customers spending more time inside.
  • commercial glassImprove Curb Appeal: No one wants to walk into a building with dark, outdated windows. Dingy glass can give the impression that the business doesn’t care about impressing customers. Replacing old windows will make the space look much more welcoming from the street, inviting passersby to browse. Whether you opt for tinted, frosted or clear windows, you can feel confident that new commercial glass will make your space look better.
  • Save Money: While you may not realize it, the glass in your storefront affects how much you pay for utilities each month. Thin or outdated windows let cold air to seep inside during the winter and let your air conditioning leak out in the summer. If you’re paying for your retail storefront’s energy bills, back up your investment with quality commercial glass. With modern innovations in glazing and coating, you can keep your HVAC costs low all year. 


Glass replacement can make a major difference in the success of a retail store, so why wait? If you’re a business owner in Marion County, OR, it’s time to get in touch with Woodburn Radiator and GlassThis team of glass specialists covers everything from residential to commercial glass, including auto work. With a focus on quality materials and cutting-edge installation techniques, you can trust that they’ll equip your property with the very best the glass industry has to offer. For more information about their services, visit their website or call at (503) 982-3421.
