
Homeowners and electricians alike recognize how important it is to conserve energy. Not only can it make you more eco-friendly, but it’s also one of the best ways to save on monthly utility bills. The electrical contractors at McAtlin Electrical Corporation in Grand Junction, CO, are here to share five ways you can stop consuming so much energy at home and make a major impact on your annual savings.

How Can You Conserve Energy at Home?

1. Swap Old Bulbs

Gone are the days of standard incandescent light bulbs that expend most of their energy through heat loss. The new generation of energy-efficient bulbs produces more light and reduces energy waste. Whether you favor halogen bulbs or light-emitting diodes, you’ll find many varieties that are approved by electricians.

2. Turn Out Lights

Make it a point to turn out the light when you exit a room. Electrical contractors suggest taking it a step further and leaving the lights off during the day and opening your blinds or curtains so that natural light can flood the room instead.

3. Unplug the Appliances

electrical contractorsIt’s sometimes referred to as “phantom load,” or the idea that appliances left plugged in soak up excess energy when you aren’t using them. For that reason alone, electricians recommend unplugging items like coffee makers, toasters, televisions, and computers when they aren’t being used.

4. Upgrade the Insulation

A poorly insulated home is one that uses up a great deal of energy through heating and cooling. By improving the insulation quality in your attic and the walls and ceilings throughout the house, you won’t need to rely on your HVAC system as much to heat or cool your home.

5. Use a Timer

Timers are useful for a variety of household functions, from outdoor lighting to thermostats. If you’re going out of town or won’t be home for a long period of time, you can set your thermostat to operate at a lower temperature so that the unit doesn’t expend needless energy. Similarly, outdoor lights can be programmed to turn on and off at specific times of the day.

A few small changes around your home can add up to big savings. The electrical contractors at McAtlin Electrical Corporation can help improve your home’s energy consumption by installing efficient solutions. To learn more about their products and services, including house wiring and green energy, visit their website or call (970) 257-7414 today.
