
Rosacea treatment is long-term. Though surgery can alleviate certain symptoms, rosacea can’t exactly be cured. For that reason, patients are advised to accompany their rosacea treatment with good habits. By adopting the right practices and avoiding the wrong ones, you can slow the condition’s development, making for fewer procedures overall and less facial redness. Dermatologists recommend all rosacea patients follow these tips for managing their condition.

1. Learn & Avoid Your Triggers

“Triggers”Rosacea Treatment are certain substances that, upon exposure, can aggravate rosacea and cause flare-ups. Spicy and hot foods are common triggers, as well as chocolate, vanilla, liver, dairy products, hot beverages, and alcohol. Triggers tend to vary from person to person. Work with the doctor providing your rosacea treatment to learn yours.

2. Avoid Extreme Temperatures

Excessively high or low temperatures can cause rosacea to flare up. Avoid long, hot baths, very hot showers, and saunas. If you must go outside in very cold temperatures, try to cover up any exposed skin. Humidity can also exacerbate rosacea symptoms—keep your face smooth by controlling the humidity in your home.

3. Stay Relaxed

Stress can cause acute rosacea flare-ups. Over time, anxiety can also drive other unhealthy behaviors, such as poor diet and sleep and excessive alcohol consumption, further aggravating the rosacea.

4. Minimize Skincare Product Use

Be cautious about using skincare products not specified in your rosacea treatment. Rosacea is like having extremely sensitive skin: to avoid upsetting it, it’s always a good idea to consult with your dermatologist before using a new product. Products that irritate rosacea tend to include alcohol or acetone. If it stings, there’s a good chance it’ll exacerbate your rosacea.

Even if you’ve received rosacea treatment, it’s imperative that you actively manage your condition every day


Heibel Dermatology in Lincoln, NE, handles every phase of rosacea treatment, from early diagnosis to Intense Pulsed Light phototherapy. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Mark D. Heibel knows how to manage complex, unrelenting cases of rosacea as well as other disorders of the skin, nails, hair, and mouth. Start fighting your rosacea back today by calling Dr. Mark D. Heibel at (402) 488-6969 or visiting his website.
