
Most people don’t associate sleep with oral health, but there is a connection. Snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, and other issues can all be addressed by dentists, which is why the staff at Athens Family Dental in Athens, GA, is proud to offer sleep medicine treatments. They’re committed to ensuring patients enjoy optimal oral and overall health, so read on to learn more about this unique service.

What Is Sleep Medicine?

dentists-athens-family-dental Sleep medicine focuses on fixing issues that affect your quality of sleep. The most common is obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Patients who suffer from this have difficulty breathing while they’re asleep because their upper airway collapses. This is because the muscles in their palate and tongue soften, causing them to block the airway. Snoring is another common side effect. Sleep medicine targets these issues and looks for solutions to resolve them.

How Does It Treat OSA?

To combat issues with the tongue and palate, dentists work with sleep specialists to develop a custom apparatus for patients. Similar to a mouth guard or retainer, patients wear it at night. It supports the jaw to keep it from falling forward and prevents the airway collapse that causes OSA.

During a session with your dentist, they’ll take a survey of your mouth to determine how the OSA apparatus should properly fit and then work with you to ensure it’s comfortable once it’s been created by technicians. They’ll also provide valuable insight into OSA treatment and management, so you can work toward maintaining a healthier lifestyle.

The qualified dentists at Athens Family Dental want to help you overcome snoring and OSA, so schedule an appointment at their office to take advantage of this new treatment. Their dentists and oral surgeons also offer comprehensive dental care and oral surgery services and can treat many dental health conditions. Call (706) 548-3279 to speak with the friendly staff, and visit the website and Facebook page to learn more about this dental clinic.
