
Fire sprinkler systems improve the safety of businesses, schools, homes, and other organizations. It’s important to note that not all of these setups are the same. There are two main sprinkler varieties that you should know about when deciding which to install at your property. Below, GMW Fire Protection in Anchorage, AK, shares some differences and similarities between the standard and quick response sprinkler options you’re likely to encounter.

Standard Response vs. Quick Response

Standard Response

fire-sprinkler-systemYou’ll find these fire sprinkler systems in warehouses and other industrial buildings. Standard response sprinklers operate independently of one another based on the temperature sensed by their 5-millimeter glass bulbs. This way they won’t soak the entire building if there is a fire in one small area. Instead, only the heads near the fire will activate. Standard response sprinklers add moisture and reduce the heat around a fire to slow it down by wetting its sources of fuel.

Quick Response

Quick Release fire sprinkler system heads spray water toward the ceiling. This unique move benefits places with a lot of people in them like schools, retirement communities, and rental residences. By wetting and cooling the ceiling these fire suppression tools make it easier for people to get out of the burning building and reduce the risk of the fire rising to the next floor up. These sprinkler heads activate more quickly than standard response varieties because they have a more sensitive 3-millimeter bulb. 

Having a sprinkler respond as quickly as possible is important, but don’t let speed be the only factor in your decision to purchase a fire sprinkler system. Also consider your locale, the typical average temperature and the height of the ceilings. To talk about your options with the fire suppression experts at GMW Fire Protection call (907) 336-5000. Visit their website to learn about their 15 years of professional fire protection in Anchorage. The company can design fire safety plans for commercial and residential buildings and install and maintain fire sprinkler systems and extinguishers.
