
Heading off to early education for the first time is an exciting step in your child’s life. It’s a great opportunity for them to learn and grow, but they will need some help adjusting to the new environment and schedule. The preschool programs at Northwest Children’s Center in Cromwell, CT, are designed to make the transition easy and fun.

Their preschool programs’ staff have also shared some tips to help prepare your toddler for their new school year:preschool programs

  • Daily Storytime: Storytime is fun and an opportunity to bond with your child. It also expands their vocabulary, even if they are preverbal, and instills in them a love for learning that will help them in preschool. Set aside 20 to 30 minutes each day before bedtime or naptime to read them stories. Try to encourage their love of learning by answering their questions and teaching them new things when the opportunity arises.
  • Visit the Learning Center: Going to a new preschool for the first time can be scary if your toddler is being left alone in a new environment. To make things easier on the first day of school, visit the preschool with them at least 3 times the month before. They can meet their teacher and become familiar with the environment. 
  • Enforce Bedtime: Once your toddler starts going to preschool, getting a good night’s sleep is more important than ever. It’s common for bedtimes to slip during the summer when you’re on vacation or out doing things. Get them back on their regular sleep schedule a few weeks before school starts. This leaves them well rested for better concentration and learning.

The preschool programs at Northwest Children’s Center use an engaging approach to child development and education. Call (860) 635-2485 or visit them online to enroll your child for the next preschool year. Once you sign up, your child will receive the best care from degree-holding teachers who are passionate about their work.  
