
If you get injured while playing, a sports medicine specialist can help you recover more efficiently, often without the need for surgery. Still, it’s important to protect yourself when involved in high-intensity activities, like basketball and soccer, where constant running makes it easy to overexert yourself. Keep the following points in mind to stay safe this winter.

Basketball Safety Tips

Although there is a wide range of potential injuries you could suffer when playing basketball, ankle sprains, jammed fingers, and foot fractures are particularly common.

Sports Medicine The first step to preventing harm is ensuring you’re in the right physical condition to engage in these demanding activities. See your sports medicine doctor before the season starts to confirm you’re in good shape and have no lingering issues. 

If you haven’t played in a long time, don’t jump into an intense match right away. Practice easy drills first, slowing building your skills and fitness back up. Always stay hydrated, and take breaks when you’re feeling drained.

Soccer Safety Tips

As you might expect, soccer injuries usually involve the lower extremities. However, players can also fall on their arm or suffer a head injury if the ball were to strike there.

As with basketball, you should schedule a physical before the season starts. It’s also wise to consult with an orthopedic specialist to ensure you’re in the best possible shape for this activity.

Wear proper protective gear when playing, like shin guards, and make sure your cleats firmly grip the ground. Only use regulation soccer balls, as some leather ones can soak up moisture, making them heavier and more dangerous.


Staying active is a great way to maintain your health and fitness—as long as you take the necessary precautions when doing so. If you need a sports medicine professional in the Hilo, HI, area, get in touch with the office of Peter A. Matsuura, MD. Dr. Matsuura specializes in treating these kinds of injuries, offering quality orthopedic care and addressing everything from ligament and joint damage to shoulder, wrist, and hip pain. Visit the office online for more information, or call (808) 969-3331 to schedule an appointment today.
