
An increasing number of patients who need a safe and effective solution for pain management, chronic pain treatment, or psychological symptom relief are using ketamine infusion therapy. Ketamine is a medicine recognized for pain control by the World Health Organization (WHO) since 1985. It is clinically proven to treat depression, mood disorders, and physical suffering. Learn more below about the process, benefits, and what you can expect during your first infusion.

Ketamine & Pain Management Guide 

What Are Ketamine Infusions? 

pain managementWhen a patient has a ketamine infusion for pain, PTSD, OCD, or bipolar disorder, they receive the medicine intravenously. Your doctor or nurse locates a vein near the skin surface on your arm, hand, or wrist to painlessly administer the medication through a tiny, flexible tube. Unlike other pain treatments, ketamine does not cause respiratory depression or hypotension. Instead, it delivers a powerful combination of relaxation and relief without harmful side effects. 

What Can I Expect During Treatment? 

Ketamine infusions are given in a private, comfortable room and last for about 45 minutes for mood disorders. Adults with pain syndromes should expect their first injection to continue for a few hours. You will wear a cardiac monitor under your shirt to evaluate your blood pressure, pulse, and oxygen saturation. It helps to wear loose clothing to your appointment to keep you comfortable and allow for room for the cardiac monitor.

You may also receive a pre-infusion dose of anti-emetic medication when you first arrive, as ketamine can cause minor nausea in a small number of patients. A low dose means you probably will not sleep during your treatment. However, like most patients, you should find your infusion to be relaxing and pleasant.

When you finish with your dose, your doctor will ask you to return home and rest for a while. Ask someone to accompany you to your appointment and drive you back. By following your physician’s treatment plan, you can experience the relief you need without danger or risk. 


Whether you have a mood disorder or a pain syndrome, you deserve relief and a better quality of life. Ketamine Center of Connecticut in Milford, CT, can help adults with a variety of symptoms find an end to their debilitating discomfort. To learn more about safe ketamine treatment for pain management, call them at (203) 701-6388. For additional information about ketamine infusions and to learn more about their board-certified anesthesiologist, visit their website
