
Arts and crafts are a fun way to encourage your child’s creativity while developing new skills. However, for many parents, finding crafts that are age-appropriate and won’t leave your child flustered halfway through the project can be challenging. The team at Toy Box in Mamaroneck, NY, wants to help. They’ve compiled a few simple tips to help you find the perfect activity for your kids, regardless of age or experience.

How to Choose Age-Appropriate Arts & Crafts Projects

Consider the Mess

Arts and CraftsCrafts can get a bit messy, especially if your kids have not done them before. If you’re concerned about the mess or are looking for something quick and easy, be mindful of what your child is likely to do with the materials. If they have a habit of throwing glitter or manage to get paint everywhere, pick a project you have time to clean up.

Think About Their Existing Skills

Crafts, games, and art projects all help your child develop skills and dexterity, but some projects may be a bit too challenging for them. For example, if your child is still struggling to color inside the lines or has just learned to write, don’t expect them to create complicated designs or do a lot of detailed decorative work. Pick something that they’ll be able to do—it doesn’t have to be easy, but it shouldn’t frustrate them either. 

Avoid Using Tools They Can’t Handle

If you have small children, make sure the arts and crafts project calls for tools you’re comfortable letting them use. If a glue gun is out of the question, pick an activity that doesn’t need one or be prepared to help out. 

Let the team at Toy Box help you find the best arts and crafts to keep your kids occupied and entertained for hours. As West Chester County’s largest toy store, they have everything you need to help your kids have fun, from preschool toys to children’s books. Learn more about their inventory by visiting their website and call (914) 698-7110 to speak to a member of their staff.
