
Psychological disorders affect many people, though they often go unnoticed as a condition by those who suffer them. Understanding the different types of mental disorders and their impact is the first step towards receiving treatment. The skilled therapists at Lincoln Psychiatric Group in Nebraska provide patients with the information they need to take a proactive role in their mental health.

A Brief Guide to Psychological Disorders

1. Clinical Depression

Depression impacts every area of life, from your enjoyment of beloved activities to basic functions like eating and sleep. Though common, this mood disorder manifests in a range of ways, from mild to severe symptoms. Sufferers can experience everything from guilt, fatigue, and sadness to ideas of suicide. Changes in weight are also typical, as are physical expressions like aches and nausea. While most people only feel such lows on occasion, clinical depression is usually characterized by symptoms lasting two weeks or longer.

2. Anxiety Disorder

Psychological DisordersThe disorder falls into a few different categories. Generalized anxiety typically persists for months, and is characterized by feelings of irritability, tension in the muscles, and trouble concentrating. A panic disorder occurs when sufferers experience acute bouts of worry referred to as panic attacks. There is also social anxiety, in which heightened feelings of rejection or judgment accompany social gatherings.

3. Schizophrenia

The symptoms associated with schizophrenia can be debilitating without proper treatment, as they impact cognitive ability. Those afflicted tend to experience visual and auditory hallucinations and paranoia. They also have trouble with memory and rational decision-making.

Mental illness takes a toll on the sufferer as well as those who love them. If you or someone you care for is exhibiting any of the above symptoms, turn to a specialist before the issue worsens. Backed by seven decades of experience, the caring team at Lincoln Psychiatric Group offers top-quality mental health care to help patients suffering such psychological disorders achieve a happier life. Visit the website for more information about their services. You can also call (402) 476-7557 to schedule a session with a therapist today.
