
Water births have gained significant popularity over the last decade thanks to the personal and soothing experience they render. The certified midwives at Home Birth With Love in Suffern, NY, are familiar with the benefits of water birth as well as the many misconceptions surrounding it. To help expecting mothers better inform themselves they list some common myths and debunk them below. 

Debunking 3 Common Water Birth Myths

Babies Will Drown or Inhale Water

water birthDrowning or water inhalation is one of the top concerns about water births, but many people don’t consider the environment the baby is growing in prior to birth–the fluid-filled amniotic sac. Babies leaving the amniotic sac will find the warm water familiar, much more so than air. They receive their oxygen supply from the umbilical cord, which means they will continue breath in the water. 

Babies Will Get an Infection From the Dirty Water

When a woman gives birth, urine, fecal matter, and other bodily fluids are sometimes expelled. One myth surrounding water births is that this “dirty water” will cause the baby to get an infection. However, there are no actual studies or research to support these claims. In fact, many believe the volume of water in the birthing tub may actually dilute the bacteria.

Women of a Certain Age Can’t Have a Water Birth

Another common myth regarding water births is that women of a certain age cannot select this option. Certain factors should be considered when thinking about a water birth, including a high-risk pregnancy or multiples. However, age is not generally a factor that will prevent a woman from having a water birth. If you are expecting a baby later in life and considering a water birth, simply talk over the option with your health care provider.

Expecting mothers should have access to the healthy and positive birthing experience they desire. To learn more about water birth or other home birth options, contact Home Birth With Love at (845) 641-5058. Their certified midwives offer complete assistance throughout your pregnancy, including prenatal care and support during the birthing process. Visit the website to read more about their services.
