
You probably know that healthy teeth and gums are vital to maintaining a beautiful smile. But did you know that your oral health is just as important to your body’s overall health? An effective personal health care regimen should include yearly wellness visits with your doctor as well as twice-yearly cleanings and X-rays with your dentist.

Why Dental Cleanings Are Important for Your Oral Health

Even if you brush twice a day and floss once a day like your dentist recommends, it’s still important to visit the dentist every six months for dental cleanings. Regular brushing and flossing go a long way towards preventing tooth decay, but plaque can still build up over time.

health careCavities are only one of the consequences. Gum disease, which can eventually lead to tooth loss, can result if you don’t have the plaque buildup removed during a thorough cleaning by a dental hygienist. Your dentist will also perform X-rays once a year, which will help to detect problems early and allow them to be treated before they become serious.

How Dental Health Affects Your Overall Health

Research has suggested that poor oral health, particularly gum infections, are associated with other, unexpected health problems. For instance, gum disease can make it more difficult to manage diabetes; it can cause inflammation in the rest of the body and put you at a greater risk for heart disease. It has even been associated with low birthweight and preterm delivery among pregnant women.

If you haven’t seen your dentist in more than six months, it’s time to do the right thing for your health  and schedule a dental cleaning and exam. Your oral health is too important to put off any longer.  

PrimaryPlus offers two dental clinic locations including Vanceburg (606-796-9511) and Maysville (606-759-1008) and will be opening a third dental location in early spring at the PrimaryPlus-South Shore location.  Our dental team is always welcoming new patients and welcomes the opportunity to care for you and your family. 

