
Deciding to have a baby is exciting, but the path to pregnancy can be a struggle for many women. From in vitro fertilization to holistic care, people have turned to many different treatments to conceive. Although commonly known for its pain relief benefits, acupuncture is scientifically proven to boost fertility. When paired with Western methods, it ups the chance to conceive by 26%. Below is a brief guide to how the treatment helps women achieve viable pregnancies. 

Top 3 Ways Acupuncture Increases Fertility 

1. Reduces Stress Levels

Stress has a negative impact on physical health, especially with women trying to conceive. People feel stressed when the hormone cortisol is released in the brain. The disruption in hormone levels kick-starts pituitary imbalances, which throws the reproductive cycle off track. Inserting needles in specific body parts helps restore energy to vital organs. By sending endorphins to the brain, acupuncture cancels out the cortisol levels. With the renewed calmness, fertility increases. 

2. Boosts Ovarian Function

Denver-Colorado-acupunctureWhen a woman has trouble conceiving, failure to release a mature egg from the ovary is often to blame. Acupuncture improves ovarian function, which restores hormonal balance and curbs the effects of ovulation disorders.  

3. Increases Blood Circulation

Restricted blood flow to the ovaries and uterus can prevent a woman from carrying a pregnancy to term. Acupuncture stimulates blood circulation to the endometrium. This mucous membrane is the uterus inner lining. When it’s thick, the egg receives enough nutrients to thrive. 


Infertility is a problem that impacts millions of women each year. If you are looking for holistic, non-invasive methods to help carry a pregnancy to term, turn to Avicenna Acupuncture in Denver, CO, for assistance. To learn more about acupuncture for fertility and additional conditions treated, call (303) 803-0675. Visit the acupuncturist online for new patient information and like them on Facebook for announcements.  
