
As a member of the Christian church, it’s your duty to be knowledgeable about the word of the Lord. The Bible provides teachings and lessons that are applicable in your daily life and will provide you with the guidance you seek when life hands you a challenge or two. The key to making the most out of what the Bible has to offer is to set aside a designated amount of time each day to study its lessons. Here are three benefits you’ll reap when you do.

3 Ways You’ll Benefit From Daily Bible Study

1. Renew Your Faith

Life gets difficult for everyone and can rattle your faith. When you find yourself questioning your purpose in life, it’s always a good idea to go back to the Bible. Reading the word of the Lord when you are feeling lost will give you a sense of purpose and direction. Reading it consistently is the perfect way to open up a dialogue with God so you can strengthen your relationship with Him and refocus your commitment to His will. 

2. Commit to God’s Path 

BibleDealing with the stress of day-to-day life can lead everyone astray. It’s easy to get caught up in superficial interactions or spend more time thinking negatively than positively. By reading the Bible every day, you can recommit yourself to the Gospel and redirect your focus to remaining positive and charitable. Daily Bible study will give you a deeper understanding of God’s will and the path you are meant to follow so you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that by following His word, you are on the right track. 

3. Inspire Good Deeds

As any Christian will tell you, the goal of the faith is to commit your life to charity and community. By taking some time to read the Bible each day, you can find the inspiration you need to go out and spread love and hospitality to those in your own life. Whether you’re doing charitable acts for your loved ones or reaching out to community members in need, your inspiration from the Bible readings you’ve chosen will lead you down a path of good will. 


Looking for a place in Waipahu, HI, to practice your Christian faith? City of Refuge Christian Church opens its doors to one and all, welcoming them into the arms of the Lord. For 30 years, this non-denominational church has provided a place of worship and peace for those from all walks of life, encouraging them to renew their commitment to God and a faith-driven way of life. If you have more questions surrounding the many benefits of Bible study, feel free to visit them online, or call (808) 677-5677.
