
In the past few years, there have been significant advances in furnace technology. As a result, after your next furnace installation, you may find yourself unfamiliar with features of the new system. As the top furnace installation company in Alabama’s Wiregrass area, Woodall Heating & Cooling is providing a guide for residents to catch up on the newest furnace models. 

Here is an overview of changes that you may notice in your new furnace:

  • Steady Run Times: Your old furnace likely worked in a binary mode—either on or off. When the room started getting too cold, the machine turned on, and when it achieved the desired temperature, it would turn off. Since that method requires a lot of energy to make the furnace run at full speed, it was gradually replaced by units with slower and steadier run times. In the newer models, your furnace is on for a longer time, but it is almost never working at full speed. As a result, you’ll have a more consistent temperature in your home and save more on utility bills. 
  • furnace installationSmarter Tech: Instead of visiting your furnace in the basement or closet where it is anchored, there are now options to control everything from your smartphone or computer. As long as you’re connected to Wi-Fi, you can change the temperature from wherever you are, or easily switch the settings in advance due to an upcoming cold spell. 
  • Different Feel: If you put your hand in front of the new vents, the air may not feel as warm as you remember. But don’t let that worry you; due to the steady release mechanism outlined earlier, the blasts of heat are less concentrated and occur over longer periods. You should gauge the efficacy of the units by how comfortable you feel rather than testing the vent with your hand.   

For a swift and skillful furnace installation, don’t hesitate to reach out to Woodall Heating & Cooling. Also available for AC installation and AC repair, the professionals will solve all of your HVAC issues. To start a conversation about your needs, just dial (334) 347-1243. Learn more about the company by visiting their website.  
