
Has your dentist ever said how great your teeth and gums look during a dental cleaning and exam? It’s an excellent feeling to hear that your hard work has paid off and you’re cavity-free. If you’ve never gotten such a compliment from your dentist, however, there are several things you can do to impress them next time. Not only will they be impressed by your oral health, but you might walk out of their office without the cloud of future dental work like fillings or crowns hanging over your head.

5 Ways to Impress Your Dentist at Your Next Cleaning

1. Brush Correctly

Since you were a kid, you heard over and over how important it is to brush twice a day for two minutes. Even if you’re brushing for a full two minutes in the morning and at night, using the wrong toothbrush or technique does more harm than good. Start with a soft-bristled toothbrush. When brushing, hold it at a 45-degree angle toward the gums, so you brush both the teeth and gums. This eliminates more decay- and disease-causing plaque.

2. Floss Daily

Dentists ask their patients if they floss at nearly every appointment, and it’s usually obvious when patients lie and say they do. Flossing is critical in plaque removal, especially at the gum line. When plaque isn’t removed, it can lead to the unpleasant symptoms of gum disease, like swollen, red, painful, bleeding gums. By flossing every day, you can prevent gum disease and hear your dentist tell you how healthy your gums look.

3. Use a Tongue Scraper

how to impress your dentistBrushing and flossing is the bare minimum you can do for your oral health. Unfortunately, most of the bacteria in our mouths live in the tiny crevices on our tongues. If you’re serious about preventing tooth decay and gum disease, you need a tongue scraper. While you can brush your tongue with your toothbrush’s bristles or rough backside, it’s not as effective as an actual scraper. They’re available in metal and plastic varieties, and you simply pull the scraper from the back of your tongue to the front. This removes additional bacteria that brushing and flossing don’t, and it fights bad breath.

4. Drink More Water

There are several reasons drinking more water will impress your dentist. If your community’s water has added fluoride, drinking it aids in restoring much-needed minerals to your teeth and preventing decay. Choosing water over soda and other sugary drinks also mean your teeth are not exposed to the sugars and acids that cause decay.

5. Eat More Fruits & Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables aren’t only good for your heart and waistline. These foods also contain essential vitamins and minerals for strong, healthy teeth. Sugary or starchy foods like baked goods, bread, and pasta mix with the bacteria in our mouths and attack our tooth enamel, which eventually causes cavities. Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, replenish the vitamins and minerals the teeth need to resist decay.


Following the above tips will impress dentists like Kathleen Kujiraoka, DDS in Kaneohe, HI, and leave them feeling compelled to compliment you on your beautiful and healthy teeth and gums. If you’re ready to wow this family dentist at your next appointment, call (808)-235-2121. Visit the website to learn more about the preventive and general dentistry treatments offered.
