
Now that winter has arrived, many pet owners make the mistake of assuming their furry friends are no longer at risk for catching fleas. Unfortunately, fleas are a constant threat, which is why it’s important to make prevention a priority all year round. Pet Health Clinic, the leading animal hospital in Daleville, VA, provides a wide range of pet care services, from vaccinations to flea control. Below, they discuss the importance of year-round flea prevention.

3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Year-Round Flea Control

1. Flea Pupae Can Survive in Cold Weather

While adult fleas and eggs can’t survive in the winter, the flea pupae can remain warm and dormant in their cocoons until the temperature rises. For this reason, keeping your pet on a flea prevention treatment throughout the winter is a necessary precaution.

2. Fleas Move Indoors to Stay Warmflea control

When the weather starts growing colder, the fleas may begin to migrate indoors to stay warm. It’s a mistake for pet owners to assume their furry friends can’t get fleas, as even one flea lingering in your home can multiply quickly with a host. You can prevent this by vacuuming your home regularly.

3. Flea Infestations Are Expensive to Control

While many pet owners think they can save money by taking a break from flea control treatments in the winter, this is a big mistake. Once a flea infestation occurs in your home, it can cost you much more in both time and money to eliminate them.

To learn more about flea control, or to schedule a check-up for your furry friend, call (540) 992-4550 to set an appointment at Pet Health Clinic. The animal hospital uses state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge procedures to ensure the health of all pets. Visit the website today for more information about their full list of services. 
