
Your roofing system puts up with a lot to keep your home and its inhabitants warm and dry. Much of the abuse it endures stems from the elements. Winter is a particularly damaging time for roofs because of the serious destruction snow, wind, hail, and ice can inflict without the proper precautions. Learn how the cold season affects your roofing system and what you can do about it.

How Does the Winter Affect Your Roofing Materials?

1. Ice Dams

Ice dams develop when the heat from an uninsulated attic or crawlspace causes the snow on your roof to melt. It then refreezes, usually along the edge of your roof, resulting in ice dams. These clog your gutters so melting snow and rain cannot drain properly. The water backs up under the shingles to create leaks and potentially mold and mildew growth.

2. Wind

roofingSevere winter wind has the power to rip shingles off and leave your roof vulnerable to the elements. Shingles can also loosen and break under high winds and make it easier for water and snow to infiltrate the system. Yet another wind-related problem is loosened flashing. All of these can result in leaks that can affect the inside of your home.

3. Hail

Large chunks of hail are especially damaging to metal roofing systems because of the dents they create. Hail can injure any metal component on a roof, including the flashing and gutter system, leaving your home at risk for leaks and the many problems they create.

Preventing Wintertime Roofing Damage

Scheduling a professional inspection in the fall is strongly recommended to ensure your system is strong enough to withstand Jack Frost’s icy hands. A technician checks for loose and damaged flashing, clogged gutters, missing, loose, or broken shingles, and anything else that increases winter damage susceptibility. It also helps to install insulation in your attic or crawlspace if you don’t have any. Using a snow rake to clean this essential house component is also strongly suggested.


Marshall’s Contracting in Clarksville, MD, offers a team of contractors specializing in roofing repairs and installations. Proudly providing residential and commercial services throughout Howard, Carroll, Frederick, Baltimore, Anne Arundel, and Montgomery counties, you can also count on these friendly experts for gutter installations and repairs. Call (410) 995-5889 to schedule service, or visit the website for additional information.
