
As the seasons change, most homeowners prepare their properties by doing yard work. While raking leaves and caring for plants is important when preparing for winter, so is maintaining your HVAC system. Below, New York’s Rochester Heating And Cooling shares three things you can do to keep your unit in excellent condition as the temperatures drop.

Maintain Your HVAC System Throughout Winter With These 3 Tips

1. Get an Inspection

Have your HVAC system inspected once a year by a professional heating and cooling technician. They will ensure your unit is clean and working as efficiently as possible. They can even dust your ductwork, swap out the filter, and make necessary repairs so you’re all set for the colder temperatures.

2. Test Your Thermostat

hvacIt’s crucial that your thermostat and HVAC system are in tune with one another. If the heat coming out of your furnace is not reaching the temperature you set the thermostat to, you may need to have your system fixed. This disparity can have a major effect on your utility bill, so test your heat before winter is in full swing.

3. Ensure Your Home Is Thoroughly Insulated

To keep your home properly heated, you’ll need ample insulation. Think back to last year—do you remember some areas of your house being colder than others? If so, you might benefit from additional insulation. Work with a general contractor to identify places in your home that are not well-insulated, and install some where it’s lacking. Your heating bill should decrease once your home is no longer leaking hot air. 

With these HVAC maintenance tips, you can avoid mid-winter breakdowns that leave your family uncomfortable. To schedule an inspection and learn about their installation, maintenance, and emergency services, call Rochester Heating and Cooling at (585) 458-3700. Visit the website for information about their highly qualified technicians and how they can improve your indoor air quality.
