
When it comes to parole, many people have important questions. Getting the right answers to them is crucial, and Jerry F. Lee Attorney at Law in Cleveland, GA, works with clients closely to ensure they have a complete understanding of what they’re up against. The criminal defense attorney can provide the information on parole you need to make an informed decision about the legal matters facing you.

FAQs About Parole

What Is Parole?

Parole is the process of allowing a person to serve the rest of a jail sentence within their own community. If an inmate meets certain requirements, such as observing the rules of whatever institution where incarceration took place, they might be released.

Can a Parolee Work?

Parolees are encouraged to work. In most cases, parole boards prefer a parolee hold gainful full-time employment. If that’s not possible, they should at least have a part-time opportunity to ensure basic needs continue to be met.

What Happens at a Parole Hearing?

criminal defense attorneyAt a hearing, the parolee presents their version of events to the court. Based on the facts of the case and whatever other topics are discussed, including things like public safety, the court will determine whether the inmate is eligible. Your criminal defense attorney can explain more about the process.

Why Would Parole Be Denied?

In some cases, parole may be denied. There are numerous reasons why this can occur. For instance, perhaps the court feels it’s in the public’s best interest to have the inmate remain incarcerated, or it might be a matter of not meeting certain eligibility requirements. Whatever the reason, a Notice of Action will be provided to the inmate expressly stating why the decision was made.  

When your very future is in jeopardy, you need a criminal defense attorney as dedicated to your needs as Jerry F. Lee Attorney at Law. His firm can also address other issues, such as child custody, civil litigation, and personal injury law. Call (706) 219-2460 today to schedule a consultation in White County. You can also visit the firm online to learn more about their full range of practice areas.
