
If you’ve been diagnosed with psoriasis, you’re probably on the hunt for the right moisturizer. Nothing is more important to the psoriasis patient’s health and comfort. There are a lot of options on the market at various price points, and finding the right one through trial-and-error gets expensive. Here’s how you can narrow your search to a few you want to try.

4 Ways to Find the Right Psoriasis Moisturizer

1. Ask for Samples

Doctors will often provide samples of the latest moisturizing products on the market. You can also request samples directly from a supplier. If you’re looking for moisturizers at a department store’s cosmetic counter or a beauty supply store, you should also ask about free samples or low-cost trial sizes.

2. Learn the Lingo

psoriasisDid you know that ointments, lotions, and creams are all different? Lotions tend to evaporate quickly and provide the lowest level of moisture; ointments are the thickest and most effective but can leave behind a greasy feel. Cream falls somewhere in the middle, providing a longer-lasting effect than lotion without the greasy feeling of an ointment. Try them all to find what works for your psoriasis.

3. Scent Matters

Psoriasis can make skin sensitive to the chemicals used to create fragrant creams and lotions. But, did you know that “unscented” and “fragrance-free” aren’t the same thing? Unscented products usually have a chemical scent added to mask its natural odor, while fragrance-free products have no added fragrances. Fragrance-free is usually best for people with psoriasis.

4. Create Your Skin Care Routine

The perfect moisturizer only works if you use it regularly. Plan to moisturize at least twice a day — or more during dry, winter weather. Keep a bottle of your favorite moisturizer at home and work so it’s always there when you need it. Set a reminder on your phone if you have to because managing your psoriasis works best when you maintain your routine daily.


Keep your skin hydrated to manage your psoriasis, and avoid picking or scratching your skin to promote healing and ease flare-ups. Central Carolina Dermatology Clinic in High Point, NC, will give you the beautiful, healthy skin you’ve always wanted. With over 60 years of serving the Triad region, you can trust these physicians with everything from your yearly skin cancer check to cosmetic skin care treatment. Schedule your appointment at one of their three convenient locations by calling (336) 887-3195. You can also follow them on Facebook for more helpful skin care tips.
