
Self-representation is a basic legal right, but some who exercise it do themselves more harm than good. Judges strive to accommodate people who appear in court for themselves, but they may get frustrated when litigants without attorneys are unprepared or take a flip approach to the process. When you choose self-representation, here are points to remember about judges’ preferences to keep you from damaging your case.

Actions to Avoid in Self-Representation    

1. Appearing Too Casual

Come to court like you mean business. Dress neatly, and emphasize how important the matter is to you in your speech. Skip offhand comments. If you want the judge to take you seriously, present yourself and your case that way.

2. Giving Your Opinion

As personal as it is, your case is not about your opinion. Judges wants to hear facts and law, not what you think. Unless you are testifying as an expert witness, keep your opinions to yourself.

3. Being Rude to Your Opponent

self-representationContrary to TV judge shows, judges do not tolerate badmouthing or rude behavior in court. Treating everyone with respect, including your opponent, casts you in a positive light. 

4. Asking the Judge if They Read Your Material

Expect the judge has read the material; asking them will only come across as insulting. State the page number or place in the document you want them to consider. Even if they haven’t read it, you are focusing their attention where you want it without embarrassing them.

5. Giving Every Detail

Your likelihood of success improves when you state your case without going over every little detail. Be precise and concise, and give the court the important information it needs to rule in your favor.   


My Legal Team, Inc. in Los Angeles County, CA, features attorneys and paralegals with more than 30 years of combined experience. They are dedicated to helping area residents resolve various civil matters. Before you attempt self-representation in court, visit their website to learn more about their high-quality yet affordable flat-fee services. Call (562) 444-8326 (TEAM) today to schedule a legal consultation.
