
When it comes to pet care, most people consider vaccines and checkups to be the essential concerns. However, your pet’s dental health is also crucial to their overall well-being. If your pet is experiencing tooth pain or other dental issues, this can cause distress during their everyday activities, from eating to chewing on a toy. The veterinarians at Buffalo Trace Veterinary Service in Versailles, KY, want to help animal owners understand not only why it’s important to include teeth cleaning in pet care, but also how easy it is. To optimize the health of your four-legged friend, consider these important factors when it comes to their dental health.

The Importance of Teeth Cleaning

Not only will brushing your pet’s teeth help their breath smell better, but it can also prevent costly health problems in the future. If your pet’s teeth are in poor shape, this can cause distress on other body systems and may even lead to problems with your pet’s other organs.

pet careAdditionally, if your pet has poor oral hygiene, they are at higher risk of losing teeth, which can be a painful experience for them. Tooth loss or pain can also impact how well they eat—possibly leading to poor nutrition—and how much they can play and exercise, which are other important pieces of pet care.

Caring for Your Pet’s Teeth

Make sure to include teeth cleaning as part of the check-up when your pet visits the veterinarian. In addition to professional cleanings, practice good hygiene habits at home by brushing your pet’s teeth daily. To do this, use a soft-bristle toothbrush and toothpaste specifically designed for your pet (this can be purchased at the pet store), and brush their teeth, gums, and tongue. Gently pull the sides of their mouth up to ensure you are getting the back molars as well.

If you are struggling to establish a teeth-cleaning routine with your pet, contact Buffalo Trace Veterinary Service at (859) 879-3582 to talk with a caring staff member about your options. They offer teeth cleaning as part of their pet care services, in addition to numerous other services. Visit their website to learn more about how they can help you care for your four-legged friend.
