
With slippery roadways, snowbanks, and additional obstacles, driving during winter can be dangerous. According to the auto repair specialists at Stillwater Auto Clinic in Minnesota, following a few maintenance guidelines will ensure cars can handle winter driving demands. Below, the auto repair professionals share three care tips to improve car safety for winter driving. 

An Auto Repair Safety Checklist for Winter Driving 

1. Examine Tire Tread

Driving on worn or bald tires can be incredibly dangerous, as they can’t provide enough traction to keep the car from sliding on icy or wet surfaces. To prevent this, examine tire tread depth. If it’s less than 3/32 inches, it’s time to switch out the tires for winter models or updated all-season equipment. To check the tread, place a gauge or penny between the grooves, with Lincoln’s head facing downward. Tires need to be replaced if the entire head is showing. 

2. Check Air Filter

Stillwater-Minnesota-auto-repairIf the car air filter is dirty or clogged, clean air cannot get to the engine. This can throw the emission control system into a tailspin, damaging spark plugs and causing additional problems. To make sure the air filter is clean, place a 60-watt light bulb next to the surface. If light can’t be seen through the filter, it needs to be replaced.

3. Note Coolant Levels

When the car is off, and the engine is cold, make note of the coolant levels. They are low, antifreeze can’t do its job of helping heat transfer. To prevent this, add a mixture of half water and half coolant to the current level.  

Whether your car requires an oil change, transmission tuneup, or additional auto repair or maintenance solutions, the team at Stillwater Auto Clinic is well equipped to boost vehicle safety, fuel economy, and performance. To learn more about the car repairs they provide or schedule a service appointment in Stillwater or the surrounding areas, call (651) 351-7188 today. Visit the auto repair shop online to discover why you can trust them to care for your vehicle and like them on Facebook for news. 
