
These days, it seems like everyone is trying a gluten-free diet. Gluten is a protein commonly found in wheat, processed foods, and other grains. Despite the popularity of the gluten-free lifestyle, however, there are still many myths and misconceptions about this ingredient and the effects it can have on the body.

To learn more about gluten and the benefits of eliminating it from your diet, continue reading below.

5 Things You Need to Know About Gluten

1. It Can Be Fatal for Some

There are many skeptics of the gluten-free diet who question the benefits of eliminating this protein. However, for certain individuals, this protein can be a matter of life and death. For those with a gluten allergy, consuming wheat and other foods with this ingredient can cause rashes, shortness of breath, and anaphylactic shock. Likewise, for patients with Celiac disease, repeated exposure to the ingredient can damage the lining of the intestines, resulting in ulcers and malnutrition.

gluten-free2. Gluten Can Aggravate Other Health Concerns

Although it has not been directly linked to these conditions, gluten can aggravate diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, and migraines. The ingredient can also trigger asthma symptoms and worsen attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) in children. For patients with these concerns, cutting gluten out of their diet can result in a marked improvement in their symptoms and overall health.

3. Going Gluten-Free is Not a Reliable Weight-Loss Plan

The gluten-free diet is often touted as a weight-loss plan, but there is no guarantee it can help you to shed pounds. Many people lose weight because this style of eating restricts the intake of many carbohydrates and processed foods. Additionally, those with a sensitivity to the ingredient often experience less bloating and inflammation, which makes them appear slimmer. However, if you are still consuming the same amount of calories each day, you won’t see a drastic difference when you step on the scale.

4. You Can Still Get All of Your Necessary Nutrients

There are no nutrients exclusively found in processed foods or grains such as wheat. The fiber, carbohydrates, and B vitamins in wheat and other grains are also found in fruits, vegetables, and lean meats. This means you can effectively cut this ingredient out of your diet without compromising your health.

5. Gluten Sensitivity is a Real Thing

Although it is commonly ignored by many people, gluten sensitivity is a real health concern. For individuals afflicted by this condition, exposure to the ingredient isn’t fatal, but it may cause hives, bloating, and painful stomachaches. Eliminating high-gluten foods helps to curb these symptoms, and improve their health.


If you are looking for quality, gluten-free Thai cuisine, check out Thai Chef Restaurant. Located in Lahaina, HI, this Thai restaurant specializes in vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options. They can adjust their dishes to meet your dietary requirements. To view their full menu, visit the website or call (808) 667-2814 to make a reservation today.
