
Whether you chip a tooth or need a root canal, dental crowns are one of the best ways to restore the look and strength of your smile. However, the long process of making these prosthetic caps can leave many reluctant about the treatment. Fortunately, skilled providers like those at Family First Dentistry provide patients a more convenient option: same-day crowns. If you are curious about this technique, this Anchorage, AK, dentist highlights a few ways the solution may benefit you.   

5 Advantages of Same-Day Crowns

1. Impressions Are Irrelevant

Traditional dental crowns require dentists to take an impression of a patient’s smile and send the mold to a lab that can create the finished product. This process can be messy and uncomfortable for patients. Same-day services, on the other hand, utilize CAD software to create a 3-D design of the prosthetic, so impressions are not necessary.

2. No Waiting for Weeks

With all the design and production equipment located in the dentist’s office, the days of waiting on labs to produce and send prosthetics are over. Using automated milling technology, dentists can create crowns in their office in a few hours. Plus, they can be placed on the same day as your appointment.

3. A Perfect Fit

same-day crownsThanks to the precision of computer-aided design, skilled dentists can craft crowns in the exact shape of your original tooth, so they bond perfectly to the existing surface. In addition, the material can be adjusted to match your natural tooth color, resulting in a fully restored smile. 

4. Tooth Preservation

To provide a secure bond, dentists typically have to remove healthy tooth material before placing traditional crowns. By contrast, the precision and customization of same-day crowns eliminates the need for extensive preparation and allows more of the original tooth to remain intact.

5. No Temporary Crowns

When patients have to wait for a lab to create their new prosthetic, they must wear a temporary crown to protect the affected tooth. However, this short-term solution is not secure and can break easily. Instead of worrying about biting too hard or losing the temporary prosthetic, patients can skip temporary steps altogether with a same-day permanent one.

While some may believe the convenience of same-day crowns adds to the cost of restoration, the price is similar to traditional methods. When you choose Family First Dentistry for the service, you can rest assured you’re getting competitive rates. In fact, if you mention this article, you can receive $100 off any same-day crown. Visit this patient-focused clinic online to learn more about their comfortable care options, including teeth cleaning, dental implants, and sedation dentistry. To schedule an appointment, call (907) 562-2820 to speak with a friendly associate.
