
When you notice a bug or mouse in the home, you probably squash it or let it outside and move on. While this works occasionally, it may be time to contact pest control instead. Seeing one bug or rodent isn’t the only sign that you may need the help of a professional extermination team. Below, Joy Exterminators in Newport, OH, shares three indications that require next-level bug removal tactics.

3 Signs It’s Time to Call Pest Control

1. Large Quantities of Bugs

One centipede, spider, or ladybug isn’t a big deal. However, if you notice more than a handful of insects creeping around the home, consider bringing in a pest control team. They will assess potential entry and exit points in the house and find out where the bugs are living. Then, they’ll prevent more insects from getting inside and treat the home to kill any that are lingering.

2. Noises

pest-control-newport-ohIf you notice frequent noises like scratching or scurrying, you may have a rodent problem. Mice, squirrels, and bats can all get into the walls where they may squeak and rustle, especially at night. Exterminators address these invaders without damaging the home to ensure the critters are removed and won’t keep you up.

3. Messes

Have you noticed small black droppings in the pantry? These are signs of a cockroach or mouse problem. If you spot wood shavings or mud-like tunnels in the house, you might have a termite infestation. Make a note of any small and out-of-the-ordinary messes and reach out to pest control if you think insects or rodents are the cause.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to an exterminator—infestations are a health hazard to your family, pets, and home. To discuss potential pest problems, call Joy Exterminators at (740) 473-2739. Visit the website to learn about the family-owned company and its pest control offerings.
