
When it comes to health care, the teenage years present many opportunities for parents to educate their children how to promote long and productive lives. At Carolina Doctors Med Care in Sanford, NC, the health care professionals know the importance of sharing good health information. Here, they offer tips to help parents guide their teenagers in the right direction.

Teen Health Care Tips

Exercise Regularly

Between sitting in class, doing homework, playing video games, and watching TV, teens may not get enough regular exercise. Sixty minutes a day of moderate to vigorous physical exercise during the teen years leads to improved sleep patterns and overall good health.

Get Enough Sleep

health-careDo you know that teens need approximately nine hours of sleep each night, although most only get seven? Encourage your teens to wind down and go to bed earlier. They may notice they can focus on their schoolwork better and stay more alert during the day. 

Eat Right

Eating balanced, nutritious meals with whole grains, various vegetables, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy products help your teen’s developing body and mind stay strong and healthy. Serve up a colorful, veggie-filled salad as a side to your teen’s favorite meals. Also, drinking plenty of water keeps the body hydrated and functioning well.

Wear Protective Headgear

With sports such as football, baseball, skateboarding, or bike riding, wearing properly fitted helmets or headgear can save your teen from a catastrophic injury. Even a mild concussion can cause permanent damage to the developing brain. Sports physicals help identify potential health care needs.

Avoid Risky Behaviors

Teens who avoid smoking, doing drugs, drinking alcohol, engaging in sexual activities, and driving recklessly are ahead in promoting their physical and mental wellness. Besides getting them into trouble, these behaviors can harm their bodies and cause emotional trauma.

The formative teenage years are the perfect time to put health care at the forefront of your kid’s mind. If your teen needs a checkup, sports physical, or weight loss program, contact the skilled and caring health care professionals at Carolina Doctors Med Care in Sanford, NC. Call (919) 774-3680 to schedule an appointment, and learn more about the services they offer by visiting their website.
