
While March signifies the arrival of spring, it also kicks off a most unwelcome termite season. Termites, like any other animal, seek warmth and shelter, making your cozy home a perfect spot to shack up and enjoy a meal. If you’re experiencing a termite problem, the exterminators at Select Pest Control will eliminate the intruders and help you take back your home. The termite control company, who has been handling pest control issues throughout Cincinnati for more than 30 years, will ensure that your home is free of any unwanted visitors.

While termite season tends to last until November, termites, especially the subterranean variety, can cause damage to your home throughout the entire year. One of the most dangerous aspects about a termite infestation is that it can arise without you even realizing it. Common signs of damage include loose tiles, jammed doors, and tiny holes in drywall. 

Once damage has become noticeable, your home may have already sustained major underlying damage. For this reason, it’s vital to have routine inspections done on your home, so that any problems can be eradicated before they begin. Since March is the beginning of termite season, having an inspection performed as soon as possible is highly recommended.

Due to their silent intrusion and dangerous appetite, termites pose a serious threat to homeowners. If you want to avoid termite issues, call the professionals at Select Pest Control for a reliable inspection. Visit the website for more information, or call (513) 352-0080 to schedule an appointment. 
