
Typically with double and triple pane windows, a metal spacing system is used.  This metal spacer runs along the perimeter of the glass, between the panes.  It’s what connects the panes of glass, and where the glass is sealed.

There are many problems that can occur with a traditional metal spacing systems though:

  • Metal spacers are rigid, and cannot expand and contract with seasonal temperature changes.  This can result in seal failure over time, which causes the loss of the insulating air between the panes (i.e. argon gas), and condensation buildup as well.
  • Metal spacers conduct heat and cold, and are therefore less energy-efficient than a non-metallic spacing system.
  • Metal spacers cause more condensation build-up, which is not only unsightly, but can cause further issues such as wood rot, mold growth, and staining.

A non-metallic spacing system, such as Super Spacer®, reduces these problems.  Super Spacer® is a non-metal, warm-edge spacing system made of rubberized foam. 

Not only is Super Spacer® more energy-efficient than a metal spacer, it decreases condensation buildup as well.  And since it can expand and contract with temperature changes in ways a metal spacer can’t, it decreases the chance of seal failure.  In fact, under a P-1 durability stress test, Super Spacer® has been rated to last over 90 years before seal failure!  

Not all windows are built the same, and if you’re considering replacement windows for your home, make sure to use Super Spacer® or some other non-metallic spacing system in your double or triple pane glass.  And if you’re considering replacement windows in the Cincinnati or Dayton areas, make sure to call Windows Plus.  We use Super Spacer® in all of our Soft-Lite windows and sliding doors, making for energy efficient products that are made to last!
