
Whether you’re a self-proclaimed foodie or a casual gardener, you’ve probably heard someone use the phrase “farm-to-table.” This modern movement has been making waves in the food industry for a while now and has now found its way to Oahu’s North Shore thanks to Kahuku Farms. But what exactly does farm-to-table mean? And why does it matter to you, as a consumer? The family-owned farm and local café is here to explain.

What Is the Farm-to-Table Movement?

Farm-to-table is a unique approach to food production that champions both transparency and sustainability. Under this model, local farmers grow fruits and vegetables or raise livestock using the best agricultural practices. Once the crops or livestock are ready for consumption, they are sold directly to consumers through farmers markets, roadside stands and eateries.

Why Is It So Important?

farm to tableThe farm-to-table movement impacts your life in many ways. First, it contributes to the local economy. The money you spend on Kahuku Farm’s  tropical fruits and vegetables, for example, helps them to provide continuous employment as well as fresh food year round.  This money goes back into the community where it encourages economic growth.

Food purchased from its source is also said to be healthier and tastier. That’s because it takes less time for the produce to reach your plate, allowing it to retain more nutrients and stay fresher longer. Likewise, local food uses less fuel, water, and other natural resources because it travels directly from farmer to consumer. So, thanks to the farm-to-table movement, not only are you getting better tasting food, but you’re also reducing your carbon footprint.  

Kahuku Farms embodies the farm-to-table movement every day. From the grounds where their tropical fruits and vegetables are carefully cultivated to the local café where that fresh produce is transformed into delicious meals, you can be sure you’re getting the best in local food.

Want to learn more about farm-to-table? Call Kahuku Farms at (808) 628-0639 today to schedule a tour of their grounds. To browse the local café’s mouthwatering menu, visit them online.
