
Your mouth is extremely sensitive, and the slightest issue can have serious health consequences. In the case of missing teeth, you’re not simply facing cosmetic issues. According to the staff at Dr. David K. Skeels in Rochester, NY, missing teeth can lead to a number of dietary, gum, and jaw issues. Below, they discuss these dangers, as well as solutions a dentist offers to ensure you maintain proper oral health.

Dangers of Not Addressing Missing Teeth

1. Poor Diet

dentistMissing key teeth, such as molars or incisors, can make it difficult to eat certain necessary foods. This can result in malnutrition. Your body requires a healthy balance of nutrients, and when you avoid foods such as meat, fruits, and vegetables because they’re difficult to chew, you’re setting yourself up for various health issues. Dental implants are a great way to replace these important teeth. They’re hard, durable, and ensure you eat everything your body needs.

2. Bone Resorption

Each tooth is attached to your jawbone. When one is lost, the area where it was embedded begins to deteriorate. This bone loss can both change the shape of your jaw and also weaken the hold surrounding teeth have. You may need more extractions, as well as restorative surgery to reverse the effects. Fortunately, a dentist can use implants to combat this. Because they’re screwed into the jawbone, they ensure the area is active and won’t wear down.

3. Gum Disease

Missing teeth can lead to gum disease. Plaque easily collects in the open pocket, causing infection and promoting tooth decay. While your dentist can help clean this area, replacing the tooth is the best solution. They’ll examine your unique situation to determine whether bridges, implants, or dentures are right for you.

If you need to replace missing teeth, turn to the seasoned dentist, Dr. David K. Skeels. He offers comprehensive restorative and cosmetic dentistry services and can help return your smile to its proper form. Call (585) 467-7000 today to schedule an appointment, and visit the website to learn more about the services he provides. Follow him on Facebook to learn more about how a dentist can help with your oral health issues.
