
You can expect plenty of cold weather to accompany this Minnesota winter. And, while it will affect your heating bill and your family, don’t forget that these temperatures can also harm your trees. That’s why the tree service experts at Above All Tree Care, based in Center City, MN, offer their services and advice. They know that proper tree maintenance is crucial this time of year and want to make sure you understand the basics to protect your landscaping.

A Guide for Tree Maintenance Basics in Winter

Provide Nutrients

Before the season hits, it’s important to apply organic nutrients using fertilizer. Promoting the growth of your tree’s roots, this allows them to stay nourished all winter long. Because fertilizer helps the roots protect themselves, they can even avoid winter damage.


tree maintenanceBecause trees are incapable of creating their own warmth, they’ll need a little help with some insulation. To protect the roots from cold weather, apply mulch to the trunk’s base. This will also help the soil retain water and nutrients, which your trees need to survive this winter.


While insulating and fertilizing the roots are crucial steps, you shouldn’t forget about the leaves and needles. These parts often contain porous holes, through which the tree can lose much of its moisture. To protect your leaves, you can apply anti-desiccant treatments, which provide a wax coating and help your tree survive the harsh weather.

When you need a little help caring for and protecting your trees this winter, reach out to the friendly team at Above All Tree Care. Fully licensed and insured, their staff will deliver the utmost care to keep your trees healthy and promote beautiful foliage in spring. Call them today to receive a free estimate at (651) 257-2136. You can also visit their website for more information about their services.
