
If you’re charged with a crime in Cincinnati, you’re likely concerned about your future. In this case, securing the service of a seasoned criminal defense lawyer is of the utmost importance. Clients facing complex legal proceedings in Southern Ohio trust in the guidance afforded by Lane, Felix & Raisbeck CO, LPA. Thanks to this firm’s expansive knowledge of criminal law, your rights will be upheld in the court of law.

Why You Need Professional Legal Guidance

Help With Official Paperwork

When it comes to the filing of official court paperwork, you are largely on your own. That is, unless you have the assistance of a criminal defense lawyer who can help you fill out paperwork and ensure that it’s submitted on time. Missing a deadline can damage your case, and may even land you in hot water legally.

Access to Expert Witnesses

criminal defenseYour case may also require the assistance of an expert witness. On cases involving a lot of technical aspects, an expert witness can come in and clarify confusing concepts. While the average person will find it difficult to find the right witnesses, an attorney will have insight into just how to do so.

Diminished Penalties

Even if you’re unable to get your charges dismissed outright, your attorney might be able to get them lessened. This could mean the difference between time served in jail and community service, for instance. In every case, the best way to ensure your rights are honored is by securing skilled legal representation.

A solid criminal defense entails extensive legal experience coupled with an attentiveness to individual client needs. Contact Lane, Felix & Raisbeck CO, LPA for more information on your legal options when faced with damaging criminal charges. Call (513) 922-7700 to schedule you consultation with a Cincinnati defense attorney, or visit this firm online to learn more about practice areas.
