
The thyroid gland is a small organ near the base of your neck responsible for regulating hormones that affect many essential functions throughout your body, such as heart rate, temperature, and breathing. Because your thyroid is so vital to your everyday life, it’s important to watch for any illnesses that concern the organ, especially cancer. Luckily, visiting your ear, nose, and throat doctor regularly can help detect cancer early and begin treatment as quickly as possible.

How Will Your Ear, Nose & Throat Doctor Test for Cancer? 

ear nose and throat doctorYour ear, nose, and throat doctor will perform a physical exam and gather your medical history, especially any family history of thyroid problems. They will check for lumps and determine if your thyroid gland and lymph nodes feel enlarged. Your doctor may also order blood tests or an ultrasound if they’re necessary. If a lump is detected, a biopsy will be performed, during which a small needle will be inserted into the area to extract tissue that will be examined for the presence of cancerous cells. Another option is a radioiodine scan, which uses a small amount of radioactive material and a special camera to help the doctor look for signs of cancer.

What Happens If You’re Diagnosed With Cancer?

Treatment is highly individualized and will depend on your overall health, the type of cancer, and its stage. Options may range from surgery and hormone therapy to chemotherapy and radiation. If the cancer is detected early, the prognosis is excellent, with the American Cancer Society reporting a near 100% chance of survival in people who begin treatment with stage I and II cancers.


If you’re experiencing any symptoms of a thyroid problem, be proactive and decrease your risk of cancer by making an appointment with the expert physicians at Glacier Ear, Nose and Throat in Kalispell, MT. Their ear, nose, and throat doctors treat a range of disorders, from cancer detection and allergies to hearing loss, and are devoted to providing high-quality health care for patients of all ages. To schedule an appointment, call their friendly staff at (406) 752-8330 or visit their website to learn more about their practice.
