
As a precious member of your family, your pet deserves to enjoy a long, healthy life. One of the best ways to keep your furry companion healthy is to provide a well-balanced diet that offers nutrient-rich energy.

However, with all the conflicting diet information on the market, it can be difficult to know what’s best for your faithful friend. Fortunately, the caring and compassionate professionals at Fairport Animal Hospital in New York have made the process a whole lot easier. Here are a few questions to ask your veterinarian about your pet’s diet. 

5 Important Questions to Ask Your Veterinarian About Your Pet’s Diet

veterinarian1. What Are the Best Foods for My Pet?

Your veterinarian will work with you to determine an appropriate diet based on your pet’s age, lifestyle, and health conditions. While each animal’s dietary needs are different, you should look for foods that contain natural ingredients and are additive-free.

2. How Can I Provide My Pet With a Well-Balanced Diet?

Similar to people, your pet should have a well-balanced diet consisting of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. In combination, these essential elements will provide your pet with energy and nutrients for optimal body functioning. Your veterinarian will be able to suggest a variety of appropriate foods and supplements to cover each of these critical areas.

3. How Often Should I Feed My Pet?

Feeding frequency will vary depending on the type of animal you have as well as its size and age. Generally speaking, younger animals need to eat more frequently, whereas older animals only need to eat once or twice a day. Again, this is something to discuss in more detail with your veterinarian, as he or she will recommend a feeding schedule.

4. How Can I Be Sure My Pet is Receiving Enough Vitamins?

A healthy, well-balanced diet should provide the necessary vitamins and nutrients your pet needs to maintain good health. However, if you are interested in providing your pet with additional supplements, you can talk to your veterinarian about a vitamin regimen.  

5. Is My Pet a Healthy Weight?

Animals that are overweight or obese are at a much greater risk of certain diseases, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and osteoarthritis. You can ensure that your pet maintains a healthy weight by bringing them to the pet clinic for regular check-ups and providing a well-balanced diet coupled with regular exercise.

The expert veterinarians at Fairport Animal Hospital can help you take steps to promote your pet’s wellness. In addition to providing expert advice and compassionate care for your pet, they will educate you on best practices for keeping your pet in optimal health. For more information on the extensive services they offer, visit their website or call 585-388-1070 to schedule an appointment.
