
So, be honest, when was the last time you flossed? You hear that question from us at Dr. Lunan’s office everytime you come to see us. Some of our patients have even responded with, ”Twice a year – both times I come in to have my teeth cleaned.”  Only about 28% of people say they floss every day.

National Flossing Day is November 24th  this year. So, make yourself a promise, no more excuses. This holiday is meant to remind you not only to floss, but of your oral health in general, but particularly flossing because it’s the thing we are most likely to overlook. 

The ADA recommends flossing at least once a day to achieve the best results for oral health. Daily flossing removes plaque from areas between your teeth where a toothbrush is ineffective. You actually miss cleaning about 35% of your tooth’s surfaces without flossing. Plaque left behind can turn into a hard material called calculus or tartar so it’s important to floss everyday. Flossing is also an important step in the prevention of gum disease and cavities. 

A Little History  ~  Flossing Day has been celebrated since the year 2000 to help remind us of the importance of taking care of our teeth. Flossing is a very important aspect of this. Did you know that floss has been available since the 1890’s? When Johnson & Johnson developed the first dental floss, the toothbrush was actually quite expensive. Floss was originally made from fine silk threads, but towards the end of WWII nylon started being used. It took over 100 years to create this holiday, but that doesn’t mean you should overlook it’s importance. 

Let’s Celebrate ~ It’s really quite simple...simply get up in the morning and floss your teeth! Flossing Day is meant to raise awareness about your oral health, so why not take today to schedule your next dental hygiene appointment at Dr. Lunan’s office? Some people are fearful of visiting the dental office, but please try not to let that keep you from going. Today is the perfect day to go out and stock up on floss for the family ~ over 3 million miles of floss are purchased in North America every year!

Come in to see us at Dr. Joy Lunan’s office today and we’ll get you a sample of floss to help you celebrate!  (203)598-7920     Checkout our reviews. 

