
When your car’s transmission starts to act up, you should always take it to an expert as soon as possible. However, knowing something is wrong isn’t always easy and waiting until the signs become apparent can mean the problem has worsened into a more costly repair. Instead, you should be proactive and keep an eye out for these subtle signs of transmission trouble.

3 Signs Your Transmission Is Failing

1. Strange Noises

When your car starts making noises, you should always have it checked out. Try to determine what type of sound it is, as this might indicate particular problems and can make the diagnostic process easier for your mechanic. For instance, whining typically indicates problems with the transmission itself, while a bumping sound in neutral means you might need to replace the fluid.

2. No Response

transmissionThe transmission helps you change gears, providing power to your wheels when necessary. If there’s no response when you try to shift gears, however, something is wrong. Bring it to a trusted transmission repair service as soon as possible, before it can worsen.

3. Burning Smell

A burning smell can be caused by a number of car troubles. However, it’s most commonly a result of an overheating transmission. This might result from problems with the fluid or worn parts, so have it looked at right away to prevent further issues.


When you experience issues with your vehicle’s transmission, turn to Transmission Services in Lincoln, NE. With the mission of providing fast service at affordable rates, these licensed technicians can diagnose and repair any problem to get you back on the road in no time. Whether you need a simple repair or an entirely new transmission, give them a call today at (402) 475-3637. You can also view a full list of services online.  