
Fall sports are in full swing. Many of these activities require athletes to wear mouthguards, but accidents can still happen. If you or your child loses a tooth, call Mark Stephens, DMD, the trusted emergency dentist in Richmond, KY, as soon as possible. His staff will get you in for an appointment to address the lost tooth. To increase the chances of saving the tooth, there are some important steps you should take immediately following the incident. 

First, find the tooth if you’re able to. Pick it up by the crown of the tooth—not the roots. Place it gently back in the socket and bite down to hold it in place. If you’re not able to keep the tooth in the socket, transfer it to a small container and cover it with skim milk, saline solution, or your own saliva.

emergency dentistIf you put the tooth into a container, rinse your mouth out with water and hold a cold compress or ice pack close to the affected area. Doing so will minimize swelling so your dentist can work to reattach the tooth.

In some cases, a tooth may get knocked loose, but not completely knocked out. When this happens, reposition the tooth in place. Then, bite down to keep it from sliding out of position.

As soon as you have the tooth in place, call an emergency dentist to get an appointment. The longer you wait to see a dentist, the more difficult it will be to successfully reattach the tooth. In the event you or your child’s tooth is knocked out and you cannot find it, you should still see a dentist. A missing tooth can have serious consequences for your dental health, so it’s important to seek prompt care.

If you need an emergency dentist, call the office of Mark Stephens, DMD at (859) 626-0069. They’ll do everything they can to save you or your child’s tooth so you can maintain a beautiful, healthy smile. As a family dentistry practice, they can also address other oral health needs you may have, including wisdom teeth, orthodontics, and more. Visit their website to see all the services they offer.
