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Steps Taken during the PRP Facelift Procedure

After cleaning the skin, a topical anesthetic cream is applied on the skin  minutes before the dermal needing. This allows to make the patient as comfortable as possible. The one-one and half hour procedure entails:

  1. Cleaning process.
  2. Anesthetic cream is applied.
  3. Using a Micro DermaPen, dermal needing is done to create a temporary opening in the waterproofing of the skin.
  4. Dermal Filler placement is done to rejuvenate volume loss to the skin (Dermal Filler cost are not include in this deal: Any Dermal Filler Treatment will have extra cost for this procedure)
  5. Platelet rich plasma is finally placed topically and administered through intradermal injection.

How Does The PRP Procedure Work?

By Using blood and derived growth factors, the treatment is able to strengthen and repair the skin.

Growth factors are essential as they are the building blocks of a radiant skin. The growths factor work by shaping, reviving, repairing and strengthening the skin.

In order to obtain these growth factors, a certain amount of blood is drawn as it is done for a standard lab test. The blood drawn is then put in a special designed high speed revolutions centrifuge to separate the platelets from the other blood components. The platelet rich plasma is activated to release all the essential growth factors.

What your skin will improve after a PRP Rejuvenation Procedure

  1. Fine and coarse facial lines
  2. Diminishing skin laxity
  3. Thinning of the dermis
  4. Improving the appearance of surgical scars and acne scarring

This procedure is now available at Aesthetic Institute of Atlantis (561-969-1777) For more information or to schedule your complimentary consultation contact us today!

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