
Research is ongoing when it comes to early childhood development, particularly from an education standpoint. There airwaves are inundated with highly opinionated information and advice for parents with young children just beginning their educational journey. At FasTracKids / Eye Level Learning Center, children acquire the tools necessary for lifelong success in school, and beyond. The unique Park Slope learning center’s programs place a strong focus on teaching ‘soft skills’ or non-cognitive skills to students. The aim is to wire every child with these skills at an early age, and equip them for future success.

Non-cognitive, or soft skills are the skills and knowledge students need most for real competence and employability. They are outside the traditional education which receives the majority of attention in school. These skills range from critical thinking, interpersonal skills, global citizenship, physical health, psychological health, and beyond. They are the skills employers cite more frequently than high degrees and certifications when choosing new hires. Employers want students with an advanced ability to communicate. These skills are learned not through traditional teaching, but through arts or sports where creativity, team work, confidence, and perseverance are truly learned.

Programs at FasTracKids / Eye Level Learning Center are focused on cultivating these soft skills, as much as a child’s academic knowledge. By emphasizing these skills at an early age, FasTracKids is preparing your child for real world success, in the classroom and beyond.  Educate yourself, and check out FasTracKids’ after school programs, summer camps, and day time preschool programs online for their Park Slope location.
