
Sports injuries can cause you to miss work or school and spend thousands of dollars on medical care. While some health issues are out of your hands, you can take some measures to reduce your chances of getting hurt while playing sports. Below, The Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center of Cincinnati in Ohio shares three ways you can protect yourself.

Avoid Sports Injuries With These 3 Tips

1. Wear Protective Gear

Some people think they don’t need to wear protective gear. However, items like knee pads, helmets, and guards can save your life. Always wear a helmet when biking, playing hardball games like baseball or softball, and enjoying contact sports, such as football. Make sure you’re fully outfitted before you start playing. This way, even if you do get hit or take a puck to the knee, you’ve got some protection to reduce the severity of the damage.

2. Don the Proper Footwear

sports injuriesMany athletes are injured by a seemingly simple slip and fall. To avoid these problems, make sure you’re wearing the right footwear. Skateboarders should don shoes that protect their ankles, while soccer players need cleats to give them traction on the field. Individuals who enjoy hockey should ensure their skates fit well and are sharp, while runners need to replace their shoes when they wear down. The right footwear can save your feet and ankles as well as prevent more chronic sports injuries like back and neck pain.

3. Stop if It Hurts

One of the biggest signs a person will become injured is if they already have a health issue. For example, if you play football and got a concussion last week, you are more susceptible to brain damage. Don’t play if you’re injured. Sit out, and do any necessary rehabilitation efforts to get back to the sport you love when you’re in good shape and can handle taking reasonable risks.

If you do get injured, head to a chiropractor right away. These medical professionals can help you recover as quickly as possible so you feel good and can get back to the sports you love. To talk with the experts at The Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center of Cincinnati, call (513) 677-2200. Visit the website for information about their services.
