
If you are one of the millions of Americans who struggle with fertility issues, it’s important not to lose hope; you have options. If you dream of raising a child of your own, in vitro fertilization (IVF) may provide the solution you need. Most people are excellent candidates for the procedure; in fact, about one in every 100 women conceive via IVF. Before you proceed, talk to your doctor to find out if in vitro fertilization is right for you.

Who Is an Ideal In Vitro Fertilization Candidate?

Those with Fertility Issues

Couples that were not able to conceive through other fertility treatments may find success with IVF. Specifically, women with tubal issues, endometriosis, and polycystic ovary syndrome may benefit from the treatment. Those with abnormal ovulation cycles often become pregnant with help from IVF.

Those Who Require Donor Eggs

in vitro fertilizationEven if a woman produces eggs that are unhealthy or that possess a higher risk of being unhealthy, IVF may still be an option. Many medical professionals recommend women from 40 to 45 years old opt to use donor eggs since production tends to slow before and during this time.

Those Who Have Partners With Male Factor Infertility

If male factor infertility is a problem, intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) combined with IVF may be a suitable option. The procedure requires just one healthy sperm to fertilize the egg during the IVF procedure.

Conditions That May Impede IVF

Conditions like fibroid tumors, abnormal hormone levels, and uterine abnormalities may sometimes hinder one’s odds of becoming pregnant through IVF. However, that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. Always talk to a trusted fertility doctor about your unique needs and options.


To find out if in vitro fertilization is right for you, talk to the qualified fertility doctors who can help. The experienced team from Hawaii’s oldest IVF center, Pacific In Vitro Fertilization Institute, can provide you with the compassionate support you deserve. To learn more about the Honolulu fertility clinic, visit the website. You can also call a helpful professional at (808) 946-2226. 
