
Most tooth sensitivity occurs near the gum line where part of the tooth root has become exposed. Signs of tooth sensitivity are discomfort and pain when consuming hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and drinks. You may even notice that your teeth hurt when they are exposed to cold air. Fortunately, your dentist has some advice for you. 

3 Dentist Tips for Dealing With Sensitive Teeth

1. Treat Cavities

A suddenly sensitive tooth may indicate a cavity. In this case, a visit to the dentist can fix the problem because they’ll remove the cavity and restore your tooth with a filling or crown, depending on the size of the decay. Small cavities can also be restored with dental bonding.

2. Cover Exposed Areas

dentistIf your tooth sensitivity is related to exposed areas where the tooth enamel has worn down, your dentist can use crowns or bonding to treat the problem. Bonding is a procedure during which a tooth-colored substance is applied to the exposed portion of your teeth, similar to getting a filling. A crown may be necessary to protect a tooth that also has cavities or a large area of reduced enamel coverage.

3. Switch Your Toothpaste

There are tubes of toothpaste specially formulated for sensitive teeth. You may need to experiment with different brands to find which one is right for you. Make sure the toothpaste contains fluoride because fluoride strengthens your enamel and dentin. Your dentist may even suggest additional in-office or home fluoride treatments to care for your sensitivity.


Are you suffering from tooth sensitivity? Give the staff at Four Corners Dental Group a call at (907) 258-3384. Their caring dentists offer affordable dental care at their Wasilla and Anchorage, AK, offices. This family dentistry sees patients of all ages because they know that good oral hygiene habits must start early to ensure healthy teeth and gums. Visit the website to learn more about the services offered.    
