
Dentures require just as much care as natural teeth. Without proper maintenance, they may become loose or break altogether, requiring replacement. In some cases, this may make a once-affordable purchase an out-of-reach investment. To ensure your dentures last for several years, dentist Stephanie ML Wong, DMD offers a few tips to patients in the Honolulu, HI, area.

3 Tips for Proper Denture Care

1. Clean After Meals

It’s important to remove your dentures after you finish a meal and rinse them thoroughly. This helps remove particles and debris in between brushings. You should also brush your natural teeth, gums, cheeks, and tongue each time you remove the dentures. Doing so will prevent other problems, like cavities and gum disease, both of which can result in additional tooth loss.

2. Brush Daily & Soak Overnight

Dentist's Tips for Proper Denture CareRather than using toothpaste, reach for an abrasive cleaner when brushing your dentures. You should brush them at least once a day to prevent plaque buildup. Most dentures also need to soak overnight, either in water or a specialized solution. If you have any questions about this step, read the instructions on the product and ask your dentist for clarification.

3. See Your Dentist Regularly

Whether you still have some of your natural teeth or all of them have been replaced with dentures, regular visits to a dentist are critical to your oral health. Your dentist can professionally clean your dentures, check them for damage, and ensure a secure, comfortable fit. While you’re there, they’ll also examine your remaining natural teeth, gums, and other tissues.

Dentist Stephanie ML Wong, DMD is proud to offer affordable dentures to local patients, so they can enjoy all their favorite foods and smile with confidence. However, proper care is essential if you want your dentures to last for years to come. Learn more about the fixtures she offers by visiting the practice website. To schedule an appointment with a trusted dentist, call (808) 732-3072.
