
When it comes to planning a concert, you need more than a talented artist. In addition to the right venue, you must provide the appropriate concert lighting and audio effects to ensure your audience is enthralled with the show. Improper lighting can overload the senses, but when done right, professional lighting can help make your event a great success.

How Concert Lighting Affects Your Event

1. Lighting Changes the Mood

The lighting at your event can make a difference in how people perceive the show, because colors have a direct impact on your mood. Bright colors create a joyous, sunny atmosphere, which is usually coupled with good memories and makes you feel warm inside. Dark colors are associated with nighttime and more dramatic emotions. A spectrum of choices for lighting may be appropriate for your event and can underline the message you want your audience to absorb.

2. Moving Lights Intensify the Experience

concert lightingAt home or at work, the lights are not moving. This allows you to focus on the things that are being illuminated, such as your work desk or kitchen counter. At a play, actors and actresses are under the spotlight, which helps you focus on their performance. A concert is entirely different. Here, you’ll want the lights to move with the performance, because it energizes the crowd and the people onstage. Moving lights encourage your audience to dance, too.  

3. Concert Lighting Emphasizes Important Details

When you use professional lighting to emphasize certain details and hide others, it provides a better experience for your audience. You’ll want your event to look good and hide the things that don’t fit in, which is why most technical equipment ends up next to the stage where it’s dark. With the right lighting, you can help your audience focus their eyes on the things you want them to see, such as the action on stage or banners above it.


Are you looking for the right audio-visual equipment to make your event a success? Give the staff at Audio Images Sound & Lighting a call at (585) 343-4050. Their audio and concert lighting professionals specialize in staging professional events in Batavia, NY, with the most up-to-date equipment. Visit the website for more information about the services they offer.
