
Shedding a few pounds can boost self-esteem, while also improving appearance, mood, and overall physical health. Once the weight loss goal is achieved, sometimes people fall back into old, unhealthy habits. Below are three tips to help maintain the slimmer size. 

3 Tips to Make Maintaining Weight Loss Easier

1. Make Wise Eating Decisions

If a high-protein diet was part of your weight loss plan, be mindful of the types of carbohydrates reintroduced into your system. Many feature refined sugars and other processed ingredients, which will make you quickly put back on the pounds. Instead opt for carbohydrates full of fiber, like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You’ll feel full longer without sacrificing your new figure.   

2. Keep Exercising 

Boulder-Colorado-weight-lossEven after you’ve hit the ideal number on the scale, it’s important to keep exercising. Staying active gives the metabolism the boost it needs to burn off extra calories consumed. To maintain weight loss, try to incorporate 30 minutes of physical activity into your daily schedule. 

3. Continue to Weigh Yourself 

Weight naturally fluctuates, so it’s easy to become discouraged if you weigh yourself every day. Although the practice shouldn’t be done daily, it’s still a good idea to hop on the scale once or twice a week. This way, you can keep track of weight management and find the determination to keep working out and eating well.


If you are having difficulty shedding pounds, or need help keeping them off, the team at Cheetahfit Training and Massage Center in Boulder, CO, is standing by to help improve your physical well-being. The knowledgeable, friendly trainers will customize a workout program to help you achieve your weight loss goals. To learn more about personal training options, call (303) 475-4578 for assistance. A representative will fill you in on what to expect at the facility. Visit the gym online to find out more about their approach to weight management and like them on Facebook to see exercise videos. 
